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C.M. Stunich Author Photos
The Rogue Elk Hotel
Zara Wolf, my wolfdog


Writing biographies is the worst, right? Anyway, I'm just glad you're here. My name is Caitlin, but I write under my initials as C.M. Stunich. I'm thirty-something, obsessed with the Pacific Northwest (USA) where I live, and also the proud owner of a wolf-dog and a haunted hotel.


I'm happily married, devoted to dog/cat rescue, and addicted to writing stories. No, for real. When people ask what I do for fun, the answer is usually: "Reading! And of course, writing. And...writing...and also, writing." ;)


I enjoy DIY projects around the house. And by "I enjoy", I mean my spouse does all the DIY projects, and I saunter up after a day of writing, stuffing popcorn in my mouth, and nodding. "Yep, that looks good, honey. For our next project..."


If you want to chat with me and see all the random shit I post about side projects, secret cover reveals, writing progress, etc. then I highly recommend you pop on over to my readers' group, The Bookish Bat Cave. If you've read my "Rock-Hard Beautiful" series (the first book is "Groupie") then you'll know where that name comes from. =D


I've been writing full-time since 2012 when I published my very first book, but that isn't when I got started writing. Actually, I've been writing as a hobby for as long as I can remember. Outside in my shed, I have boxes upon boxes of old notebooks from as far back as elementary school. There are some, um, interesting stories such as one about Olympic games for cats, dogs, and ferrets. There's another one about a Pokemon trainer named Sam. Want to read those? Me neither. That's why they're buried under creepy plastic Santa decorations in the shed. ;)


Every writer has their own process, some way they get in the groove to create all that beautiful book magic. For me, it seems to change with each new story. Oftentimes, I write with music, and make playlists for each book with Spotify. Usually, there are candles and incense involved, some tears, blood, sweat, a bit of magic drawn from the soul. As far as work attire goes, I prefer an old tank top, preferably splattered with paint and covered in cat hair. It's ideal if I'm not wearing a bra, and also #sweatpants. All of the sweatpants. If there is a special occasion to attend, like an online release party, I may or may not brush my hair. ;)


In a scintillating world where cut-throat authors post gifs of cats, and complain to each other about how much they've been staring at Facebook instead of writing, alliances are formed, enemies sighted, and the luxe but deadly world of Indie author-dom comes to life. Crises can range from "crap, I forgot to name this character so when I sent the sex scene to my editor, it said INSERTNAMEHERE plunged his #$%@ into my @#@%@#%" all the way to the truly severe "Amazon sent out the wrong f****** pre-order file again!" Wearing high heels, leather pants, and corsets, we--I mean our main characters--battle for love, life, and happiness.


Get it...because, like, we don't wear leather. We wear tank tops splattered with paint and cat hair, remember? That's...that's the pure, honest truth right there. If you see a glamorous author photo (like those above), just remember that was my once-every-six-months-wearing-makeup day.

Haunted Hotel
Zara Wol
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